Tomorrow will be the 1year anniversary for when this still existing problem was first posted. So, to clarify... There is still no ability for multiple people to update the same prototype link. In other words either one team member has to do all of the link updates (having a single point of failure like this is often problematic), OR you simply have to deal with communicating to all of your VIPs, Execs, and other stakeholders, "hey yeah you're probably on the old link. So sorry. Did you get my email with the new link? This link changes every time we update it. It's an Adobe problem we don't have control of." Ideally we want everything to work as it has for the original file/link creator with the change that they can "share for edit" without having to save in the cloud, and the users it has been shared with can "update [existing] link" just like the original file/link creator can. Adobe, this is very important for collaborative teams that want to ensure consistent, frequent, and trouble free delivery to their stakeholders. Can you please give us a status update on this? Is a fix in the works? Is there some range of time we can expect a solution? prerank28948274​
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